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Environmental Test Engineering and Integration
Code 549
Environmental Project
Structural Dynamics
- Vibration Test
- Acoustic Test
- Modal Survey Test
- High Capacity Centrifuge
- Static Test
- Mass Prop. Measurement
Related Links
Space Simulation

Some helpful sites in the areas of structural dynamic testing and signal processing.

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
An online version of a handbook that covers many various topics in DSP. You can download the entire book, section by section, free of charge! Downloads in PDF format.

Shock and Vibration Tutorials Homepage

A great resource for short papers on the fundamentals of many subjects such as shock, random and sine vibration, signal processing, and acoustics. Downloads no longer free, requires yearly subscribtion to site (~$24year)

Peter Avitabile's Homepage - UMASS Lowell

A great place to get simple explanations to complex questions about modal analysis.

JHU Signal Systems Control - Demonstrations
Interactive Java applets that introduce subjects from convolution to sampling rates.

Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center (SAVIAC)

This page is a good place to find short course, software, and experts in the field on the subjects of shock and vibration

The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
A good site for information on education, publications, and symposiums on the subjects of design, test, and evaluation; product reliability; and contamination control.

Amara's Wavelet Page
A great page on wavlets. Starts with an overview and continues on to more complex topics, and even has links to many other wavelet webpages.

The International Society for Optical Engineering
A good site for iformation on optical engineering including laser vibrometery

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: J. Killam
NASA Official: D. Robinson
Last Updated: March 25, 2024
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